Celebrity Christianity should cause great rejoicing — and caution.

Revival in Hollywood would shock the planet with the love and power of Jesus.

I come alive imagining a spirit of legitimate revival blowing and burning through the sound stages and mansions of Southern California. Consider an atmosphere of intense intercession with some of the media elite on their knees, weeping, crying out and contending for a move of God to overtake the nations of the earth. Can you see it? Tom Cruise leading the room in repentance, Miley Cyrus declaring freedom to the oppressed, Jimmy Fallon casting out demons, Ellen DeGeneres healing the sick and Tom Hanks preaching the Word. I can see it. The thought of daily prayer meetings that draw the most prominent talent from television and the big screen is invigorating. It's past time for the Jennifer Aniston's and Johnny Depp's of the world to fall madly in love with Jesus and to lead the charge for a Holy Spirit outpouring in Hollywood. Possibly more powerful and far reaching than a move of God in any other segment, revival in Hollywood would dramatically shift the entertainment industry into something that impacts the world for Jesus.


As I dream of a Jesus revolution in Hollywood there are two troubling concerns that haunt me. First, the lack of authentic revival there to date grieves my spirit. While I'm certain there are some who have been dramatically transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, the numbers are few. I'm struggling to think of a single well known celebrity who has had a legitimate Damascus Road experience. Where are the tear-jerking stories of radical surrender to Jesus in Hollywood? Why are there no (or so few) testimonies of life-altering encounters with God, undeniable healings, deliverances and overwhelming freedom? It should become common for people like Sylvester Stallone, Dwayne Johnson, Will Smith, Harrison Ford and others to wholeheartedly repent and start following Jesus with exuberant passion. Yet, such reports are rare. Second, and possibly more concerning, is the potential redefining of Christianity by those who do appear to embrace God. For quite some time I've been alerted in my spirit to the risk of “celebrity Christianity.” God has often been thanked behind an Oscar Awards podium, yet it's obvious most who shout his name are in no way devoted to Jesus. This casual shout-out to God has now morphed for many into an intentional redefinition of biblical truth. While it's certainly exciting to see some of the world's most famous people mention God in a positive light, we have to reel in our fervor and honestly consider whether it's truly Jesus who is being promoted. “So, you now telling me that I'm allowed to redesign my relationship with God as an adult, and make it how it feels most accepting to me, makes me feel so less turned off by spirituality.” This is the message Miley Cyrus seemed to get from Justin Bieber's wife, Hailey in an Instagram video interview. Hailey Bieber recently talked about the expectations she and Justin have as professing Christians. “As a model, Bieber says she’s often expected to “show skin” but then hears that’s “not a good representation” of her Christian faith. When she receives flak for posting certain photos of herself online, Bieber says she wonders, “Am I doing something wrong? Am I setting a bad example [because] people in the church will see this? And the reality is—no.” We must understand that we are all in process and Hailey and Miley are very young and still searching. We need to celebrate the search. They are remarkable human beings and deeply loved by God. However, we can't remain silent when the signals being sent in the midst of that search may lead people astray. It is troubling, whether Hailey meant to communicate this or not, that Miley Cyrus felt vindicated and confirmed in her own version of spirituality. “I was raised going to church as a believer, and that was a really important part of my life,” Miley shared. “And I kind of fell off that path a little bit because I think I had a hard time finding a relationship with God that worked for me as an adult.” Miley's journey seems to have led her outside of biblical boundaries and to feel confirmed in her decisions is troubling. New Age, psuedo-Christian spirituality has been around Hollywood for a long time, yet now it's being affirmed as authentic, biblical Christianity, which it is not. In the Instagram video Hailey promotes community whether it's at church, on a sports team on in a book club where there's no judgement and where you find acceptance and love. She states, “For me that's church and that's God and that's faith.” Miley, who was raised in church, said, “I'm so happy I just learned something. What I just took away from you is I'm allowed to decide what my relationship is with spirituality as an adult that doesn't have to be aligned the way it was when I was brought up.” Hailey said, “It's your journey between you and God. I've always had a hard time too with church making people feel excluded and not accepted and like they can't be a part of it because of what they believe in or who they love or who they don't love.”


In the interview, which was supposed to be about makeup (and eventually did switch over to that topic), Miley said something that caused my spirit to rejoice. “I'm so happy we are talking about God and not about makeup! This is like what I need right now. I need to hear this. I can just talk with God directly.” The Holy Spirit is drawing Miley and so many in Hollywood and the entertainment industry right now. I'm wildly awakened to the wooing of the Spirit of God in what many would call the most unredeemable cultures. Whether it's Hollywood, Nashville, Washington D.C., our nation's universities or other atheistic environments, the power of God will burn through the arguments, confusion and resistance. We must contend for the souls of the searching and stand strong, in love, with humility against mixed messages that lead people away from the truth. Miley Cyrus is on God's heart and while she has been jaded by church hurt of the past, her future is prime for surrender to the One who loves her with such overpowering zeal. Pray for Miley. Pray for Hailey and Justin. Pray that God's character is fully revealed, that love and holiness are pursued and that they all embrace him for who he is, not who they want him to be. This message is for you and me as well. Photo credit: “Miley Cyrus [HM: BackStage]” by AlexKormisPS (ALM) is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Slam Dunk Answer to the Insanity of 2020

Prayer Team | Intercession for Influencers

Why are so few talking about the one solution to the crisis and the chaos that can turn our nation?

As the never-ending election drama continues to play out, we are hearing from all sides a mix of opinions, solutions, emotions and irritations. Those on the right are exhibiting passion at a level our nation has never seen. The clear and obvious answer to society's ills is the reelection of their man, Donald Trump. The left has gone to great extents to protect our nation from the continued threat of mean tweets from the President. Their vision of a nation free from first amendment tyranny is within their grasp.


Like many of you, I feel so grieved, perplexed and saddened when I watch the interactions of today's cultural influencers on television or on social media. It's deeply disturbing when their ungodly agendas are promoted and celebrated. My stomach turns every time abortion is defended, sexual deviance is promoted and wickedness is celebrated. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted:

Abortion bans aren’t just about controlling women’s bodies.

They’re about controlling women’s sexuality. Owning women. From limiting birth control to banning comprehensive sex ed, US religious fundamentalists are working hard to outlaw sex that falls outside their theology.
Katie Perry said:
“I don't believe in a heaven or a hell or an old man sitting on a throne. I believe in a higher power bigger than me because that keeps me accountable.”
Kathy Griffen, famous for holding a replica of Donald Trump's bloody, severed head in her hand, said this in 2007:
“A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus. Suck it, Jesus! This award is my God now!”
Social media dictators like Mark Zukerberg and Jack Dorsey are aggressively blocking Christian and right-leaning content. Joe Biden is determined to restore funding to Planned Parenthood and Kamala Harris voted against a bill that would limit abortions to the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. The fact that millions of supposed Christians affirmed the brutality of child-killing by supporting pro-death candidates in this year's election simply doesn't register. It's as if that knowledge doesn't have a place to land in my intellect. Why? It doesn't make sense. As far as I'm concerned, Christians don't do that. I suppose a mean tweeter is more of a national irritant than those who unabashedly promote the right to slaughter children. We could talk about the perverse and casual sexuality that permeates social media, movies, television, music and marketing. People like Miley Cyrus are doing great damage to the wholesome, godly fabric of our nation. To me, she is still Hannah Montana. The abhorrent agenda of the political left merits discussion as does the legalization of heroin and cocaine in Oregon. Don Krahel said:
The Democrat Party has betrayed our Founding Fathers! The Democrat Party has betrayed God! To vote Democrat makes you complicit. The party of slavery is now the party of abortion. Jesus would not support their evil, anti-God agenda.
As the stench of the demonic vomit that is hacked up all over our nation very minute of every day hits my nostrils, I remind myself why it happens. These cultural influencers who are exhibiting such defiling evil (usually while presuming their beliefs and behaviors are at least positive if not righteous) simply do not know Jesus. That's it. That is why they act like they do.


Imagine Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Miley Cyrus, Mark Zukerberg or any of the other ungodly cultural influencers having a Damascus Road experience. Wow. Just think about it. Check out the condition of Saul's heart in the moments prior to fire from Heaven consuming him:
“But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord…” (Acts 9:1, ESV)
We see this hateful, anti-Christian attitude at every turn we make in this nation (and the world). A threatening, murderous spirit is manifesting through many of today's infleuncers, and unless there is an undeniable, authentic, tangible and shocking invasion of God's glory into their souls, it will only get worse. Two verses later in Acts chapter nine we see the answer to society's wickedness:
“Now as he went on his way, he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven shone around him. And falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” (Acts 9:3–5, ESV)
Saul became Paul in a moment and he became one of Christianity's greatest and most important leaders. The very Word of God flowed through him in great measure as one of the most prominent divinely inspired human authors of the Bible. I propose Joe Biden, Lebron James, Ellen DeGeneres, Anthony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, Megan Rapinoe, Harry Styles, Cardi B, Beyonce, Jennifer Aniston, Billie Eilish, Johnny Depp and so many others can radically turn this nation, and fast. A dramatic, life-altering encounter with glory will do that. The shock and awe of the fire of the Holy Spirit will send them to their knees. These people can shake our nation out of the wicked slumber it's in into full blown revival. I'm thankful for God moving in the lives of influencers like Justin Bieber and Kanye West. Let's see God continue to invade Hollywood, Nashville and Washington D.C. with his love!


For quite some time I've found myself suddenly interceding for one of our nation's influencers. Out of nowhere someone would drop into my spirit and my mind. Sometimes it would come in the form of a dream. Often it's an individual I don't think of regularly, if at all. This makes it more clear it's the Holy Spirit initiating my assignment to pray. Simply, we need to contend with fervency and passion for today's influencers. This will be much more effective than trying to turn an election or to pass positive legislation (though those efforts are important). I developed a tool that can help. Use it if you would like, but most importantly, intercede for these precious souls. If you want to connect with my specific strategy, visit www.prayerteam.tv. There you will be able to choose an influencer and then leave either a sixty-second audio prayer or a prayer in the form of text, or both. This brand new project has already encouraged me as I've listened to the short yet powerful prayers of people I've never met. These intercessors are moved by love for the people on God's heart. The rules are simple: pray with passion from an attitude of encouragement. This isn't the place for preaching or rebukes or snarky digs. Should an influencer stumble upon the site and hear someone going to battle for them in prayer, we want tears to well up in their eyes. We want them to feel love and encouragement as the anointing of the Holy Spirit washes over them. That's the assignment. Head over to www.prayerteam.tv or just adopt the prayer strategy and make it your own. The most important thing is to pray. There is a Damascus Road encounter awaiting many of our culture's influencers, and your intercession will help push back the demonic resistance in their lives. You can play a part in someone's great, eternal salvation. Your intercession is that important. PHOTO CREDITS: “Jimmy Fallon” by ElizaPeyton is licensed under CC BY 2.0 “Vice President Joe Biden visit to Israel March 2016” by U.S. Embassy Jerusalem is licensed under CC BY 2.0 “Ellen DeGeneres” by ronpaulrevolt2008 is licensed under CC BY 2.0 “File:LeBron James (15662939969).jpg” by Keith Allison from Hanover, MD, USA is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 “Taylor Swift 2010” by avrilllllla is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 Originally published by The Stream.

Prince is awake, alert and settling into his eternity.

What is Prince doing right now in eternity?

It’s late and I’m awake, wrestling, grieved, angry.

I often write for Charisma Media and I do hope this raw, unedited article is published there. It’s much different than the type of article I usually write.  It also needs to land in Rolling Stone, on Fox News and everywhere else the eyes of the world are looking.

Prince is dead.

Like so many others who have been deceived by a cunning serpent, a drug overdose was suspected as was reported by TMZ:

Multiple sources in Moline tell us, Prince was rushed to a hospital and doctors gave him a “save shot” … typically administered to counteract the effects of an opiate.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2016/04/21/prince-treated-drug-overdose-dead/#ixzz46ZSRFU00

David Bowie, Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, Chris Farley, Kurt Cobain, River Phoenix, John Belushi, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe and the list goes on and on and on. They surrendered their souls to a murderous spirit in the form of drugs, alcohol and suicide.

Earlier today the man people around the world are calling “Legend” was alive, just as he had been for the last 57 years. Now, like the other celebrities who have gone before him, Prince is awake, alert and living in an entirely new place—a place he was probably not that concerned about—until today.

Yesterday Prince’s Wikipedia page was quite different. It highlighted his legend status, his great accomplishments and his worldwide fan base. He had no idea today it was report this:

Prince Rogers Nelson (June 7, 1958 – April 21, 2016)

On April 15, 2016, while on tour, his private plane made an emergency landing in Illinois. He was later admitted to a hospital with flu-like symptoms. On April 21, 2016, Prince died at his Paisley Park recording studio and home in Chanhassen, Minnesota.

Tributes to Prince are spontaneously appearing all over the world. Chicago turned their night skyline Prince's signature purple. The New Orleans Superdome was also shrouded in purple as was Madison Square Garden in New York City and City Hall in San Francisco. People in Prince's home town of Minneapolis were dancing in an all night vigil to him.

I am so disturbed by the insanity of our culture that I refuse to hold back. I know I’ll be accused of being insensitive. People will say, “It’s too soon to talk about this.” Others will be enraged that I would presume someone to be in Hell. I’m sure I’ll be accused of being prideful and arrogant. Others might say I’m hateful.

Revealing that people are in Hell isn’t an indicator of hatred any more than reporting that an individual is in the state penitentiary. If I enjoyed the fact that they were there, however, I would indeed be deranged. I’m sick that they are there. I want to vomit. I can’t handle the fact that so many are in indescribable torment there right now. They will never find relief. I honestly feel helpless.

In the past, when other people have died, I’ve felt similar grief, but this time I had to react. I suppose respond would be a more appropriate word than react, but that’s not what I’m feeling. I don’t feel like I’m simply responding to a difficult situation. There is a raging reaction to the evil that is so vigorously celebrated today coursing through my veins. It’s unbridled. It’s uncensored. It’s real, pure, undeniable anger at a society that repeatedly rejects God as if he were some sort of killjoy, a monster. Satan is brilliantly playing the puppet master to a generation that absolutely adores him. When he says dance, they dance.

Barring a last minute decision to fall in love with and surrender to a God he has soundly rejected for decades, Prince is currently experiencing the darkest, most maddening, horrific evil imaginable. In fact, it’s far beyond one’s ability to understand. Five seconds in Hell is more than enough to send a person into complete lunacy. As of the writing of this sentence, Prince has been there 13 hours and 40 minutes. Even more horrifying is that over the same amount of time, approximately 85,000 other people have died. Based on what the Bible teaches, the high majority of those people are confused, disoriented and terrorized in Hell—right now. Since you started reading this article, around 100 more people have died. For many of them it was unexpected. Just over 60 seconds ago, all was well as it had been for years. Now many of them are in the clenches of unrelenting darkness. The grip is too tight to struggle free from. It will never loosen.

People of planet Earth, I have a question for you. Why do you hate God with such fervor? I’m not talking about a manmade invention of some god that you might have an affinity for. I’m talking about Jesus Christ. What has he ever done to cause you to reject him so soundly? Why are you turning to evil instead of to someone who actually loves you with immeasurable passion? Hey superstars, celebrities, why are you so enamored by sex, drugs, fame, money? Get over it! Stop! It’s ridiculous! You are entertaining destruction! Everybody else, why do you look up to them, call them legend, dream to be like them? How have you become so bewitched?

Jesus is real. Jesus is alive. Jesus thinks about you continually. Jesus burns with a selfless love that would change you for eternity if you just experienced it for a moment.

I opened by saying that I’m angry. Sure, I’m angry at Satan. Whatever. That’s the obvious spiritual answer. My immediate emotions however are not exclusive to that invisible enemy. I’m furious at flesh and blood people who continue to fall for such darkness and rebellion and who propagate a godless, selfish lifestyle that’s radically debased—and extremely contagious.

Musicians, actors, athletes, politicians and everybody else who is influencing society—stop your nonsense! Get over yourself! You are not a god! Stop living a life that mocks Jesus and is fueled by self-indulgent filth. It’s killing you. It’s killing our generation. You aren’t heroes. You aren’t untouchable. The hand of death will grab you at some point and won’t let go. What will your first five seconds in eternity be like?

Jesus allowed himself to be hated, mocked, spit on, mutilated, put to shame and murdered as he hung naked in front of a blood thirsty crowd—and he forgave them all. He did this for me. My life will never be the same again. I’m weak and broken—and transformed. I’m free. I’m alive. I don’t deserve it, but I will have the opportunity to be with that man, Christ Jesus, for trillions and trillions of years, forever actually. Why? The answer is obvious—who could not fall in love with a God like that? I couldn’t resist.

God is passionately calling you, drawing you. Just take the dive already! Do it! Do you seriously think sex or drugs or fame is better? Really? Just what type of god are you imagining?

I think of people like Johnny Manziel who are spiraling out of control. I’m scared for Johnny. He doesn’t need rehab. He doesn’t need to make better choices. He needs to stop the madness and finally surrender his heart to Jesus. It’s that simple.

Johnny’s still alive. He has time. He could spend forever with Jesus, experiencing freedom, power, peace, strength and love that would wonderfully wreck him for eternity. He has that option.

What would happen if we suddenly had a rush of celebrities completely rejecting their previous lives by becoming fully surrendered to Jesus? I believe that can happen. It must happen.

I envision fiery, rowdy, Holy Spirit driven prayer meetings with people like Oprah, Charlie Sheen, Johnny Manziel, Harrison Ford, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, Ellen Degeneres, Beyonce, Katy Perry, Rihanna and others leading the way. Imagine what it would be like if they were all on their knee at an altar, adoring Jesus, waiting their turn to take the mic and lead the room in intercession for revival!

Alright, my rant is over. My emotions are shifting from anger to sadness, and again to determined intercession. We can see change come if we stop idolizing these people and truly pray in tears for them.

For Prince, tragically, it’s too late. Nothing can be done to alter his eternity.

But God is targeting those who remain on the earth. Celebrity or not, they are precious, precious people who have an amazing destiny ahead of them—if they only, finally, say yes to someone who loves them deeply. My friend, Jesus.

Audio: A major prophetic word for the church and fervent prayer for Ellen DeGeneres

Last night I delivered what I consider one of the most important prophetic messages of the hour. It ended with wild intercession for Ellen DeGeneres.

Here it is. Last night was one of the most critical in the life of Revival Church, and I believe the message I delivered was a key message for every single church in the nation.

You can listen to a very clear, biblical and powerful call to repentance here: http://media.johnburton.net/2710877

I believe there is a mighty wave of deliverance and undeniable love that is scheduled for the homosexual community. As the church responds to the call to repentance, we will have the honor of participating in this great revival!

And you can follow along with the notes here:

Almost Homosexual

I. Come Full

a. One of the traps of being involved with a ministry based on prayer is that we can unwittingly use the ministry for our own personal edification.

i. We can minimize our own life of prayer in the hopes that the activity at church will make up for it.

ii. It won’t.

1. We must become well accustomed to praying fervently, alone.

2. Romans 12:11-12 (ESV) 11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

a. Fervent: hot, boiling

3. Romans 15:30 (ESV) 30 I appeal to you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf,

a. Fervent, urgent

4. James 5:16 (KJV) 16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

a. Fervent: To be active, to be mighty in, to work

iii. E.M. Bounds: Our Lord warns us against feeble praying. “Men ought always to pray,” He declares, “and not to faint.”

iv. E.M. Bounds: The atmosphere about us is too heavily charged with resisting forces for limp or languid prayers to make headway. It takes heat, and fervency and meteoric fire, to push through, to the upper heavens, where God dwells with His saints, in light.

v. E.M. Bounds: While fervency is not prayer, yet it derives from an earnest soul, and is precious in the sight of God. Fervency in prayer is the precursor of what God will do by way of answer. God stands pledged to give us the desire of our hearts in proportion to the fervency of spirit we exhibit, when seeking His face in prayer.

b. When we lose this intimate and active encounter with God, we unwittingly embrace spirits that are out for our destruction.

II. Almost homosexual: A crisis in the church

a. I had a dream. Email to Ellen:

i. Here's a strange story for ya! I'm a pastor & author, and I had a dream about you last night. It was crazy long and detailed and the first two part dream I've had (I got up to go to the bathroom in the middle and the dream continued after I went back to sleep). You aren't someone I think about often at all (sorry!), so I have a feeling God may have dropped that dream on me. It started with you at the Academy Awards (or something similar) and you called me on stage from the audience. I was overwhelmed with grief and whispered to you, “Please forgive me for judging you.” Later, you went on to share with me from your heart about some pain and you talked about your mom. Later on I met your mom and your brother at their home. (I didn't realize you had a brother until I googled it just a moment ago.) There were other pieces to the dream, but I thought I'd leave it at that for now. A little about me; I may appear to fit the stereotype as I do believe any lifestyle that embraces activities that God, in his wisdom, deems unhealthy must be avoided. Homosexuality included. However, what's also included is pride, which the Christian church is often steeped in. So is selfish ambition and having cold love. All deadly, all have hit the church at large. Again, please forgive me. After the dream I decided to preach tonight on a crazy controversial message calling the church to repentance titled, “Almost Homosexual: The Church in Crisis.” God likes you, he loves you. Me too.

b. From Kathy Mack: Matt 23:12Whoever exalts himself with haughtiness and empty pride] shall be humbled (brought low), and whoever humbles himself [whoever has a modest opinion of himself and behaves accordingly] shall be raised to honor.13 But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders (hypocrites)! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces; for you neither enter yourselves, nor do you allow those who are about to go in to do so.14 [Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders (hypocrites)! For you swallow up widows’ houses and for a pretense to cover it up make long prayers; therefore you will receive the greater condemnation and the heavier sentence.15 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders (hypocrites)! For you travel over sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes one [a proselyte], you make him doubly as much a child of hell (Gehenna) as you are.

c. As I begin this urgent and troubling prophetic message, I must do my best to make several points extremely clear.

i. God is passionately jealous and zealous for his beautiful bride, the church. His emotions are extreme and deep as he yearns for love fueled intimacy with those he laid down his life for. His affection cannot be described by even the most romantic or poetic language.

ii. When I mention the church in this message, I am referring to the global body of Christ. The global bride of Christ. I’m fully aware and thankful that there are many local expressions of the church that are radically surrendered and given to the lover of their souls—Jesus Christ.

iii. The primary points I will expound on have little to do with sexuality, or sexual sin. You will have to intentionally keep this in mind so as to ensure you understand the issues when I deal with the spirits behind homosexuality and how these spirits are being embraced in the church (again, the global church; or, the church in general).

III. Massive Repentance

a. There is a MASSIVE movement on the earth that’s impacting millions of Christians… it’s being fueled by the message that we don’t have to repent, we should not let God reveal our sin to us.

i. It’s clearly unbiblical.

b. Jer 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? 10 I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings.

i. This is a powerful verse, and the more time we spend on our face in the presence of God, the more we realize how true it is.

ii. If we don’t allow God to search our hearts and test our minds, we are doomed! We will be dealt with according to what’s in there… so, we must find it and repent!

1. Before we can go any further on this topic of homosexuality in the church, we have to all agree on the above point that is found in Jeremiah 17: Our hearts are both deceitful and wicked.

a. What does this mean? Very simply, it’s possible and common for impure motives to be rooted deeply in us even though we may be devoted followers of Christ.

2. The more time I spend in prayer the easier it is for the Lord to dig deep and bring to the surface issues that wouldn’t normally be evident.

a. My heart has harbored pride at times though at the surface I felt meek.

b. Other times I’ve verbally forgiven people, but then the Holy Spirit revealed to me a deeper reality—that I hadn’t truly done so.

3. This is why we must not only be OK with messages like this one, but we have to eagerly invite God to shine his burning light into every part of our lives.

4. Is 6:5 And I said: “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!”

5. When God is in our midst, a revelation of our own sin and issues are made known.

a. A key problem today is that God’s manifest presence isn’t with us as He should be!  Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.  He is the Revelation.  He is the Word.  Where God is, revelation is.  You can’t separate the two.

6. As God, in his burning love for us, reveals our hearts to us, we will find ourselves falling to our knees.

7. God is calling the church to massive repentance.

IV. The Word: Almost Homosexual?

a. God has suddenly revisited me with a prophetic word that shocked me and those I shared it with a few years ago—and he’s added to the revelation.

i. I’ve considered the trouble it may bring.

ii. I’ve also considered God’s thoughts about the matter and I’ve chosen to trust his wisdom that this will free many more people than it will disturb.

1. God’s word and his wisdom must return to the pulpits again.

2. “If Jesus had preached the same message that ministers preach today, He would never have been crucified.”Leonard Ravenhill

b. As I was on the airplane flying into Colorado a few years ago, the Lord surprised me with a strong and striking word for the church. I was shaking.

c. The church is almost homosexual.

i. This is a word that I’m confident is tearing at the heart of God… he’s watching his bride become bewitched.

ii. Question—Is it possible that we in the church are embracing the same spirits that fuel the homosexual agenda?

d. As I was watching the mountains of Colorado draw closer during the final approach to the airport that day, the Lord revealed three drivers of the homosexual agenda:

i. Pride

ii. Identity

iii. Lust

e. Understand—the driver of the homosexual agenda is not same-sex attraction, but rather there are strong deceiving spirits of pride, self-promotion and identity, and lust.

i. I was on a train where two homosexual girls were very visibly hanging on each other, making it very clear that they were together. Their actions were not a result of raging hormones, but rather, they were making a bold declaration, a prideful pronouncement of their chosen identity as lesbians.

ii. They wanted to force affirmation, be noticed and demand acceptance and equality.

1. This same spirit is in the church!

iii. “All of the acceptable sins in church are keeping us sick.”-Steve Gray

iv. “Be careful about what you think is innocent. It may come back and choke you.”- Steve Gray

f. The church has been bewitched by the same spirits that give fuel to the homosexual agenda—and this is a primary reason we have not had success in winning homosexuals to Jesus. We can’t cast out the same demonic spirits we embrace.

g. This is the prime reason we are accused of being hypocritical: Homosexuals are picking up on the reality that the church is fueled by pride, identity and lust just like they are… but they aren’t afraid to admit it!

V. Driver #1: Pride

a. We’ve all heard of gay pride. Pride is a hallmark of the homosexual movement, and, all too often, it’s a driver of the church as well.

b. I hear continually that it’s rare to find a church where the tangible, manifest presence of God can be experienced.

i. I believe, sadly, there are more Ichabod churches than we realize. An Ichabod church is simply a church that is devoid of God’s glory. The ark of God’s presence has been captured. It doesn’t mean God hates that church. Quite the opposite—He is grieved that he must be removed from his lover, his bride.

1. 1 Samuel 4:21-22 (ESV) 21 And she named the child Ichabod, saying, “The glory has departed from Israel!” because the ark of God had been captured and because of her father-in-law and her husband. 22 And she said, “The glory has departed from Israel, for the ark of God has been captured.”

ii. 1 Peter 5:5 (ESV) 5…Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

1. You may not have thought about it this way, but God, though he loves so deeply, actually opposes, or resists, those who are proud. God’s glory departs.

2. We live in a culture where we fight for success, we jockey for position and we can’t imagine being hidden or failing. Compromise has consumed the church as it seeks success, a larger building, more people, more influence, more money and other demands. Pride has resulted in worship of images made of gold where humility demands the gold is given as worship to God. Pride has resulted in worshiping a packed house where humility calls for laying down our lives for even one.

3. We wonder why the church isn’t having more success in the culture. 

c. I believe a key reason is that we are attempting to attack worldly pride with religious pride.

i. We are actually retaining the services of the very same demons that we are attempting to battle!  A spirit of pride! God resists the proud!

ii. Is it possible that we are attempting to change culture from a position of religious pride all while God is not standing with us?

iii. When humility reigns, the church will have the grace that God promises in 1 Peter 5.

VI. Driver #2: Identity

a. This point is the most burning issue in my spirit right now.

b. I am fully given to seeing people step into their destinies, discover their true identity in Christ and finding freedom from lies and emotional scars that the enemy has given them. It’s a significant focus of my own ministry.

i. However, we have a growing problem.

1. Focus is on self more often that it is on God.

2. Focus is on living more than it is on dying daily.

3. Our goal as humans cannot be to seek and demand our own happiness, but rather to fulfill God's glorious desires.

c. 1 Corinthians 4:10-13 (ESV) 10 We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ. We are weak, but you are strong. You are held in honor, but we in disrepute. 11 To the present hour we hunger and thirst, we are poorly dressed and buffeted and homeless, 12 and we labor, working with our own hands. When reviled, we bless; when persecuted, we endure; 13 when slandered, we entreat. We have become, and are still, like the scum of the world, the refuse of all things.

d. Please understand, I believe we are seated in Heavenly places with Christ Jesus.

i. We are kings and priests. We have great authority. We have overcome. We are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath.

ii. But, our identities, when rightfully understood, don’t lead us to focusing mostly on personal benefit.

1. When we embrace the cross of Christ, which is where our identities originate, we are now focused on going low, humbling ourselves, serving with passion and identifying with the scum of the world—so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.

iii. A focus on our own benefits, our own healings, our own identities as it relates to personal gain has actually resulted in us aligning with a key spirit that drives the homosexual movement.

iv. God loves homosexuals and the church too deeply to affirm a false identity—no matter how desirable and convincing that identity may be! God’s wisdom is much higher than ours, and it takes humility to admit that.

1. This is a huge, huge point!

2. When we fight for a false identity that feels so overwhelmingly a part of us, and when our focus is on acceptance, affirmation and human rights, we give up the call to die to our own desires. Suddenly securing our own identity is more important than serving the masses.

a. The discovery of our true identity starts with crucifixion not affirmation.

3. The goal is not to be affirmed, accepted, liked or honored. We aren’t to look for equality. We don’t compare ourselves with others. We can’t make demands when life is unfair. The church is to die so that others may life. Our identity is to be fully and entirely in Christ.

4. An improper attention given to the pursuit of identity (acceptance, affirmation, etc.) causes us to forsake the call to focus on our mission for the sake of devotion to narcissism.

a. This is where the temptation to disobey God and submit to the demands of man can happen.

5. “For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.” James 3:16

VII. Driver #3: Lust

a. Lust is oozing through the church today. Yes, it’s true that sexual lust is rampant as pornography has been viewed by as many as 50% of Christian men recently.

i. However, lust is not limited to the sexual variety.

ii. Simply ask the question, “What causes you to get excited, to come alive?”

iii. Many honest Christians would admit that everything from money to fame to popularity to sex could be the answers.

iv. James 1:14-15 (ESV) 14 But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. 15 Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.

b. Lust results in death. It really is that simple. The life is sucked right out of people. Suicide is on the rise. Eternal death is another threat as well.

i. This is a tragic reality in the church today—we’ve lost our first love! False intimacy in the form of lust has take the place of a deep, satisfying, truly intimate and never ending encounter with Jesus! He yearns for us while his beautiful bride is yearning for other lovers!

ii. The church has lost its desire for intimacy with Jesus. Many Christians don’t even know what it is to be overwhelmed by his deep, burning love. Jesus is more of a principle or a foreign character in a book than he is a real, tangible, literal person you can feel.

c. This lack of revelation and encounter in a very intimate, life giving way with Jesus has resulted in one more comparison with the homosexual movement:

i. The bride is becoming intimate with the bride.

ii. What does that mean?

iii. We have become more interested in reproducing after our own kind than in receiving a fresh impartation directly from God himself. How does this play out? Several ways:

1. We become enthralled with a certain stream in the body (Word of Faith, house of prayer, etc.) and want to have a relationship with that stream hoping that it produces life.

2. We turn to other people in the church instead of to God through prayer and study of the Word in the hopes that the union can result in the outcome we are looking for.

3. We are move connected socially to people than we are spiritually to God.

4. We believe our church growth comes through people, so we comprise the mission, cancel prayer, water down the message and get intimate with the body!

iv. An intimate union with God will result in a fresh stream birthing through your ministry!

v. A deep encounter with Jesus will bring the results that a million human counselors never could!

vi. “You can have all of your doctrines right—yet still not have the presence of God.”Leonard Ravenhill

VIII. The Solution

a. Intimacy. Repentance. Falling in love with Jesus. Humility.

i. “A sinning man stops praying, a praying man stops sinning — Leonard Ravenhill

ii. Yes, fervent, zealous prayer must return to our churches again!

iii. 2 Chronicles 7:14-16 (NKJV) 14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 15 Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place. 16 For now I have chosen and sanctified this house, that My name may be there forever; and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually.

b. We cannot anymore develop systems that enhance our own identities, stroke our pride or fuel our lust for power, recognition or anything else.

i. It’s time again to declare the cross, holiness, humility and passion from our pulpits and on our faces!

ii. The core call is for a movement of humility and holiness.

iii. It’s a call to become broken and undone, desperate and deeply intimate with Jesus.

iv. It’s a call to a fasted lifestyle, to full surrender and complete saturation in the advance of the Kingdom.

v. It’s a call to the deeply humble, yet powerfully bold life of John the Baptist.

c. Are we ready to let the Lover of our souls invade the deepest parts of our inner man? He is wooing his glorious bride back to him…will we respond?

d. Song of Songs 1:4 (ESV) 4 Draw me after you; let us run. The king has brought me into his chambers.

I repented to Ellen DeGeneres in a dream: Message change tonight at Revival Church

Money Magic will be taught soon… but, after a very emotional dream last night I will be preaching tonight on Almost Homosexual: A Crisis in the Church

After I woke up from my dream, I read my verse of the day… here it is:

Colossians 4:5 Be wise when you engage with those outside the faith community; make the most of every moment and every encounter.

I felt God had a message of love for Ellen that I should try to get to her.

I feel such an overwhelming anointing even now… and I’m sure some extreme and very real freedom will land at Revival Church tonight.

I decided to email Ellen. I have no idea if she will ever get it, but I pray she does.

Here’s what I sent to Ellen DeGeneres:

Here's a strange story for ya! I'm a pastor & author, and I had a dream about you last night. It was crazy long and detailed and the first two part dream I've had (I got up to go to the bathroom in the middle and the dream continued after I went back to sleep).

You aren't someone I think about often at all (sorry!), so I have a feeling God may have dropped that dream on me. It started with you at the Academy Awards (or something similar) and you called me on stage from the audience. I was overwhelmed with grief and whispered to you, “Please forgive me for judging you.”

Later, you went on to share with me from your heart about some pain and you talked about your mom. Later on I met your mom and your brother at their home. (I didn't realize you had a brother until I googled it just a moment ago.)

There were other pieces to the dream, but I thought I'd leave it at that for now.

A little about me; I may appear to fit the stereotype as I do believe any lifestyle that embraces activities that God, in his wisdom, deems unhealthy must be avoided. Homosexuality included. However, what's also included is pride, which the Christian church is often steeped in. So is selfish ambition and having cold love. All deadly, all have hit the church at large. Again, please forgive me.

After the dream I decided to preach tonight on a crazy controversial message calling the church to repentance titled, “Almost Homosexual: The Church in Crisis.”

God likes you, he loves you. Me too.

See you all tonight at Revival Church. 6pm. Prayer at 5pm. Get ready for a shocking, rocking night!